
A free-radio, urban-crawl one-shot powered by LANCER
A techno-horror derelict crawl powered by LANCER
Experimental NPC mechs for the Lancer RPG
A worker liberation module powered by LANCER
A Lancer RPG third-party guide to NPC builds
A Microsoft Word & Google Docs template for creating Lancer RPG content.

Lancer RPG Adventures

A collection of third-party adventures and campaigns for the Lancer RPG system.

Lancer RPG Campaign Settings

A listing of third-party settings and GM lore tools within the Lancer RPG that could be used as a springboard for a larger campaign.

Lancer Homebrew Content

Lancer Art Assets

Lancer RPG One-Shots

A collection of third-party Lancer adventures that can be run in a single session of play.